Ireport Ubuntu

  1. Ireport Ubuntu 14.04
  2. Ireport Ubuntu Install
  3. Ireport Ubuntu Server
Ireport ubuntu not working


iReport is the graphical designer for creating the XML to run a Jasper report.

Download iReport from:

IReport 4.6.0 on Ubuntu server problem 941313 Jun 3, 2012 10:21 AM Hi experts, I am new at iReport develop., and I wrote a sample jsp for iReport in Windows+tomcat+iReport environment, the report shows fine. Hello - So - I am looking to install the latest ireports onto a ubuntu 64bit 10.04 LTS server. Totally missing the walkthrough install instructions, if they are somewhere at all. If you can point me to those that would be perfect. If there isn't a good resource my real question comes to: 1. ) Download the iReport-3.7.6.tar.gz file download -Done ( just in temporary location ) 2.

We used iReport 3.7.4 and 4.0.1

Running iReport (in Ubuntu Linux)

  • Download the linux version of iReport (tar.gz file).
  • Copy the file /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- into libs folder in ireport folder of the extracted folder.
  • In command line type, get inside iReport-3.7.4/bin

This should run the iReport standalone application.Details about running iReports in Linux available at Installing iReport

iReport Help

Help regarding using iReport is available at iReport Tutorials & Help.

Deploying Report on JasperServer

Ireport Ubuntu 14.04

  • In JasperServer (Refer Opsview Reporting Module for details on JasperServer), click on 'Add Resource' icon and then JasperServer report.
  • The rest of the steps are self-explanatory. Give link to the new .jrxml file when prompted for.

Notes on using iReport

Can be slow. Watch out for changes that are not in sync (ie, if you change the XML, need to ensure that the Designer section has acknowledged the changes). Elements are not always obvious.

Make sure the following windows are available:

Ireport 5.6.0 ubuntu
  • Report Inspector - access to report objects (lots of things unavailable unless this is open, like adding groups or adding parameters)
  • Properties - will list things that can be changed for an particular object

To add a new group, right click on “report name”.

When charting data, use a time series chart. You then have to right click on the chart element and enter the necessary data:

Ireport Ubuntu Install

    • Reset type: group
    • Increment group: none
    • Time period: hour (this may be different between a weekly and a monthly report)
      • Series expression: $F{perf_label}
      • Value expression: $F{value}

WARNING: The graph takes the last value in each hour, rather than an average value. This is why some graphs which change frequently (such as ping rta) do not make sense. You will need to do the consolidation at the SQL level to guarantee what the graph should look like.

If you have problems where the category name is too large, switch the style to aegen, which puts the categories in a slanted line.

repo versus local filesystem

This is a useful trick so that the same report can run in iReport as on the Jasper Server. Involved getting a variable called isOnJS which can then be used to work out other parameters.

However, this trick doesn't work from Jasper Server 3.7.0 onwards. The isOnJS parameter needs to be manually changed.

Ireport Ubuntu Server
